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What To Know About Criminal Sentencing

When a loved has been arrested, it's only natural that you will worry about what could happen to them. Part of the criminal trial process is the sentencing phase that occ

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What Are The Options For Presenting A Criminal Defense?

If you stand accused of committing a crime, you may be wondering exactly how you're going to address the situation. Before you get too involved with a case, here are some

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It May Be Possible To Pursue A Personal Injury Case If You've Delayed Taking Action

Personal injury law is often complex and difficult for the average person to understand. Not only that, laws vary by state so you can't always evaluate your case by a fri

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Does DUI Still Apply If You're In A Self-Driving Car?

Imagine hopping into a car, punching in an address, and letting the car automatically drive to your destination of choice. Sounds like the stuff of science-fiction tales,

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Did You Lose Your Right to Possess A Gun Years Ago Because of an Old Crime?

If you were involved in a crime years ago and you were restricted the right to carry a firearm as a result, you should contact a lawyer. If you think that you can have th

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4 Tips To Prepare For Your Consultation With A Criminal Lawyer

If you were recently charged with a crime, you likely feel nervous and worried. You may even lie awake at night wondering if you will have to go to jail or not. Dealing w

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3 High-Tech Advancements That Could Affect DUI Statistics

Technology has transformed the legal field, giving law-enforcement officers new tools for fighting crime and enabling attorneys to be more efficient and productive. Altho

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What Can You Expect From Working With A DUI Attorney?

If you have been charged with a DUI, one of your first steps will need to be meeting with a DUI attorney. For most people, this is the first time they have been charged w

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Pros And Cons Of Using A Person As An Alibi

When you've been charged criminally, a local criminal defense lawyer will be a key ally to help build a defense to your charges. One of the most helpful elements of any d

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Top Reasons To Hire A Defense Attorney After Being Charged With A Crime

Being arrested and charged with a crime is something that should be taken very seriously, especially if extended time in jail or prison is a possible consequence if you a